Sunday 8 May 2011

Home Sweet Home

Having been away for just over three weeks we have made it back to Malaysia. We had a great time in Chicago (even though the weather was lousy) and the wedding was a complete success. We have returned pale, plump and stocked with loads of North American goodies - chipoltle, hot sauce, bbq sauce, mac & cheese etc.

We returned last night to find our flat mostly as we left it - save the minor infestation of cockroaches. We keep traps down and spray regularly (just part of living in the tropics) but there were 10 dead ones in and around the flat. Extremely unhappy we went out the minute the shop opened this morning and have armed ourselves with an arsenal of toxic sprays and traps. Ian has discovered where they have been getting in, so after a quick trip to Ace Hardware this afternoon and a good spray we will (HOPEFULLY) be rid of the little (actually not so little) bastards.

Beyond that it's good to be home - it's only 10:30 and we've already been in the pool. The warm weather, sunshine and sleeping in my own bed are pretty good too. It would be even better to be home if we didn't have to go to work tomorrow morning. Sigh.

I've also forgotten how the West does spoil you a bit and in three weeks away it's amazing how quickly I had forgotten about some of the disorder that comes with life in Southeast Asia (flashback to chaotic scenes at baggage reclaim at the airport). I've also not missed at all the scent of durian.