Friday 3 December 2010

The Lizard King

Well our little lizard has stuck with us and a good little lizard he is.  As far as I can tell he has been very respectful of boundaries.  He seems to stay in the living room sticking the the ceiling and walls and hiding out behind light fixtures and pictures.  He seems to come out mostly at night or when we aren't home - we occassionally see him scampering away as we come in the front door.  Mostly I am pleased that he seems to stick to the living room.  Little as he is, I think he would give me a bit of a scare if I found him in the bath or clinging to the shower curtain or worse on my pillow or something.

More than anything I am to the point where I will welcome with open arms anything that helps keep the mosquitoes under control, I'd quite happily have a dozen little lizards.  I have a stockpiled an arsenal of spray, citronella candles, and coils to get rid of the little buzzing bastards.  I keep the windows closed as much as is practical without having to run the AC full blast all day everyday and spray myself every 5-6 hours. Regardless, I reckon I'm still sustaining 1-3 bites a day and walking around with at least 6 bites at any one time.  One actually got me inside my nose this morning. 

We are probably going to go bankrupt on anti-mosquito contraptions but I suppose that is the price you pay for living in the tropics.  I think a mosquito net for the bedroom may become a necessity in the not too distant future.  We're off up north to Penang this weekend where I'm sure there will be plenty of mosquitoes lying in wait for me.  Beyond that, I'm homeward bound a week today via Dubai and London and just dare any mosquito to follow and survive that journey, if that doesn't do it, I'm sure the Chicago cold will.

Also, I've decided our lizard is worthy of a name. Suggestions?


  1. The little "buzzing bastards" like you because your so sweet.

    Looks like I'm the first with a name suggestion for the lizzard its simple, here it goes Lizzy!

    I clicked some adds too.

  2. I'd probably name him Vindaloo, and properly call him Vinny ;)

    Everything sounds great there... Can't wait to see you soon!!

